Video Storytelling
For Research
Video Storytelling
For Research
We’re a research filmmaking studio based out of Cincinnati, Ohio. We tell impactful qualitative research stories to help businesses build meaningful connections with their users and build better products. Think of us as a full-service production studio for your research.
“Oh my God. Why did this video just make me cry?! It reaffirms the purpose of what we are all doing. I can’t wait to share it with the team!”
“I love these videos! Very learnings dense and easy to consume. Well done.”
“I wanted to let you know these videos are AMAZING! I love them! THANK YOU SO MUCH. I can’t wait to share them!”
“In case I haven’t said this enough, really amazing work. It’s been a pleasure learning along with you and crafting the stories together as I experimented with this new process of sharing and amplifying research for our team.”
We’ve spent the better part of a decade refining our production process to integrate seamlessly with almost any project. As former researchers we understand how storytelling can enhance your work and help you identify the best ways to bring your research to life.
From in-homes to webcams. The pandemic has forced video production and research to adapt. We are as comfortable creating impactful films remotely as we are stepping into a person’s home.
We are one of the very first studios to successfully introduce VR storytelling into user research. VR can add a new level of context and connection with your users. We excel at identifying the right use-cases to leverage VR to capture your work.
We want your team and your users to shine. From hand-selecting the best verbatims to using your voice to narrate a film. Our strategy is to craft authentic stories that drive real impact within your organization, and ensuring that your voice is being heard… literally!
Two Factor Authentication? 256 AES file encryption? VPN? Check. Check. Check. Privacy is a huge deal for us. We’ve taken big steps to protect the right to privacy of all the people we serve.
Presenting to a team of Engineers? Can’t figure out what to share with leadership? We’ve worked with researchers for years and will help you craft stories that are relevant and engaging to your team.