I moved to Cincinnati in 2010 with the goal of making an impact in quantitative research. There, I worked at The Nielsen Company, leveraging ‘big data’ to help brands understand ‘what’ was happening to their marketing activities on a macro level.
It was a challenging and rewarding experience. However, a couple of years later I had the insatiable curiosity of understanding the ‘why’ behind it all.
I soon joined an innovation firm called Seek and spent a few very formative years in qualitative research and innovation. I quickly realized that a seemingly unrelated hobby of mine, documentary film-making, could add immense value to that role.
20+ years ago, I spent my youth producing videos that highlight skateboarders and other niche groups. It continued throughout college and in my volunteer work. Soon, I began focusing that skill towards connecting brands to the people they serve.
These experiences have given me the opportunity to consult with global brands on deep-dive insight development. During that time, I began to understand there was an un-met need for researchers who knew how to articulate insights and ideas in ways that resonated with qual and quant minded leaders.
Nearly every veteran researcher i’ve come across, has experienced a project where the “aha” moments of their work never truly made it up the organizational ladder. Sometimes the work is too difficult to translate appropriately across a “Powerpoint deck”, and the findings lose their true meaning as they change hands from researcher to decision-makers. That lost meaning is often a result of decision-makers not experiencing those moments first-hand.
I’m constantly tinkering with the most effective solutions to inform and engage these decision-makers with your work.
What I do today is the result of a stubborn will to not let incredible work go un-noticed. I work alongside brilliant researchers, identifying transformative moments that paint a lasting picture of the people we serve. I’m driven to push those moments up the ladder, creating an honest connecting between brands and the people who keep their business alive.